Teachers: Mrs Rosalyn Van Giesen & Mrs Nicola Martin (Monday-Wednesday), Mrs Julie Hanafin (Thursday & Friday)

Classroom Assistants: Mrs Upritchard, Miss McNabb, Mrs Reid & Mr Wilson

PE Day: Tuesday for both classes.

Topic: Violent Earth

Curriculum Evening 2023-24

P6 News

P6 Harry Potter Day

What an excellent way to end our year in P6! Much fun was had at our Harry Potter Day. We put the children to the test with their Harry Potter knowledge. It was a closely fought competition, with ‘The Quidditch Seekers 123’ coming out with an impressive 31 points (full marks)!

Wishing you all a fantastic Summer.

Share Discovery Village

What a week! From kayaking, canoeing and towables; to archery, nightline and combat … P6 have certainly had a fun-filled residential!