Teachers: Miss Jane Alexander & Mr John Sandford

Classroom Assistants: Mrs R Spence & Mr A Hunter, Miss N Love & Mrs L Reid

PE Day: Monday

Topics: Science: Victorian Scientists
History: The Victorians
Geography: Eco Warriors

Curriculum Evening 2023-24


P7 News

It’s been great…..but the best is yet to come!

When we came to visit our ‘new’ P7 teachers way back in June, they told us that first term would ‘just fly in’. We didn’t believe them. Christmas seemed light years away! But hold on a minute! It’s December already. First term is nearly over. What happened to September, October and November?

I suppose, if you keep really busy, time does fly in – and we’ve been keeping really busy! Let’s not talk about the obvious thing that many of us were focussed on. It came and it went and we’re all still the same. There’s been loads of other things which were much more interesting……..and enjoyable!

Forming rainbows and bending light. Sorting plastics. Chromatography. Making telephones. Friction on cars and zooming balloons. Skills based learning. Skills with the hockey stick and dodgeball. Spelling words. Encountering new words. Weaving words into stories and poems. Learning about Victorians who shaped the world we live in. Learning about the world that has shaped us. Caring for our one and only planet. Caring for ourselves. Caring for others. Learning about those who’ve cared. Taking pictures. Making pictures. Silhouettes. Word heads. Haunted houses. Swirling patterns. Candles and tessellations. Shining bottles and paper lanterns and wreaths to decorate. Appreciating what is done for us. Knowing that we can ‘do’ for others.

First term’s gone. The best is yet to come. What lies ahead is even more exciting, challenging, inspiring.

One Kind Word!

This week was anti-bullying week and the theme was One Kind Word. We kicked off our week by donning our odd socks! We then had lots of discussions around our growing and changing friendships, and considered how one kind word can make such a phenomenal difference.

We began our week with some “Monday Motivation” – choosing one class member to write some kind words to, in order to motivate and encourage them through their week:

We then focused in on our friendships themselves, and how they can change and grow as we, too, change and grow. We thought about things which cause friendships to change, for better or for worse, and things we can do to strengthen our friendships and relationships:

Towards the end of our week, we watched a few video clips and chatted about them. They made us think about how unkind words can hurt even though we don’t see them physically. We also used the metaphor of dominoes and thought of them a number of ways.

Some P7s felt that the dominoes represented negative thoughts that may have been put into someone’s head by others – the thoughts just kept coming over and over, until one kind word stopped them all. Other P7s viewed the dominoes as a symbol for how, once we say our words, we can’t take them back or stop their effects.

Finally, we considered how words can be passed on like dominoes, noting that these can be negative or positive words. We can pass on positivity at AMPS by using kind words to others. We finished by sharing one kind word about each of our classmates on our new domino displays!