Teachers: Miss Jane Alexander & Mr John Sandford

Classroom Assistants: Mrs R Spence & Mr A Hunter, Miss N Love & Mrs L Reid

PE Day: Monday

Topics: Science: Victorian Scientists
History: The Victorians
Geography: Eco Warriors

Curriculum Evening 2023-24


P7 News

We Are Eco Warriors!

This term, our Geography topic is Eco Warriors. We are learning what part we can play in protecting our environment. We have looked at the journey of a plastic bottle and sorted different types of plastic according to how they can be recycled. Here are some pictures we’d like to share with you of us predicting how long a range of materials will take to decay over time – this made us think a lot about how we use and dispose of these items!

Scientific Sevens!

This term we have been studying various Irish Scientists who live right on our doorstep! So far we have found out about the chromatography work of “jolly” John Joly, splitting light into its primary colours and discovering that – when mixed together – we can make white light. We even sent white light traveling in a straight line through water and reflected it off a mirror. When we did so, it split back up into a spectrum of colours, creating beautiful rainbows on our classroom ceiling!

Raving about Reading

In P7, we become very independent when in our reading groups. We engage in reciprocal reading which requires us to take on roles to predict, summarise and clarify. We also ask each other interesting questions about our book and have really got the hang of it. So far, so good!

Don’t ‘BUG’ the P7s!

With twenty-five people in one room you can be sure if someone has a cold, then before long quite a few other people will too! One sneeze and before you know it , everyone has streaming eyes and sniffy noses over the next few weeks.

OK, so a cold isn’t that serious, but P7 have been investigating how some illnesses are passed from one person to another.

We have investigated what we often refer to as ‘bugs’. They are actually viruses, fungi or bacteria. We discovered that there are lots of different sorts and that they cause all kinds of illnesses – from the mild and quite harmless to the downright nasty!

We also examined how we can prevent their transfer from one person to another. So, lots of work on how to sneeze ‘properly’ and how to wash hands thoroughly.

Just for some fun at the end of our project, we invented some nasty microbes (better name than ‘bugs’) and made them as pom-poms. Each bug has a common name, a Latin name and a list of some of the nasty symptoms they cause. They may look sweet, but never mess with a P7 bug.

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