Teachers: Mrs Rosalyn Van Giesen & Mrs Nicola Martin (Monday-Wednesday), Mrs Julie Hanafin (Thursday & Friday)

Classroom Assistants: Mrs Upritchard, Miss McNabb, Mrs Reid & Mr Wilson

PE Day: Tuesday for both classes.

Topic: Violent Earth

Curriculum Evening 2023-24

P6 News

Outdoor Learning in P6!

In P6 we have been learning how to sort information. We were able to use the markings in our playground to sort ourselves into a human Venn Diagram!

Have a cup of ‘Positivi-tea’!

This year we have been looking at what positivity means to us. In P6 we have set positive goals that will help us with our learning.

P6 Comber Trail

P6 children have been learning all about Comber this half- term. We have been learning about the history of our town and some famous people who lived here. We have visited The Square, Aureen, The Mill and the Non- Subscribing Church on our travels so far. We are so fortunate to live in a town with such a fascinating history!

Copper Day

P6 had a lot of fun finding their way through the money maze.