Teachers: Mrs Rosalyn Van Giesen & Mrs Nicola Martin (Monday-Wednesday), Mrs Julie Hanafin (Thursday & Friday)

Classroom Assistants: Mrs Upritchard, Miss McNabb, Mrs Reid & Mr Wilson

PE Day: Tuesday for both classes.

Topic: Violent Earth

Curriculum Evening 2023-24

P6 News

3D Shape Investigation!

P6 are learning about properties of 3D shape. Using a set of instructions, we had to build various 3D shapes using cocktail sticks and marshmallows.

We were able to record the name of each shape and count the number of vertices and edges they had.

A spellbinding day in P6!

P6 have been reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as their class novel. When we had finished the book we all took part in our annual ‘Harry Potter Day’.

The day started with a very competitive quiz.

Well done to our runners up and winners!

Everyone in P6 put a lot of effort into their costume. It felt like we were in Hogwarts for a day!