Teachers: Mrs Annemarie Fulton & Miss Adrienne Savage

Classroom assistants: Mrs McLees (Monday & Tuesday), Mrs Smyth (Wednesday & Thursday) & Mr Wilson

PE Days: P4F Monday, P4S Wednesday

Topics: Evacuees

Curriculum Evening 2023-24

P4 News

22nd April 2024

It is great to finally see some dry weather – we hope that everyone has enjoyed the sun this weekend and hopefully there will be more to come!



Week 23-the “oi” sound, made by oi and oy

Darth Vader group is List 23-the “ast” sound


Sheet 6, D, E and F which is revision of tables.

Literacy Written Homework:

Homophones, to be completed on the sheet

Numeracy Written Homework:

Rounding to the nearest 10, to be completed on the sheet Have a great week..

Have a great week!

Mrs Fulton, Miss Savage and Mrs McCullough

25th March – Hoppy Easter!

Please remember tomorrow (26th March) is an early finish. Children are welcome to wear non-uniform in exchange for a small donation for school funds.

There is no homework, spellings or tables this week but we would encourage you to log into your Times Tables Rock Star accounts over the Easter break to keep up the amazing work you’ve done already with learning these. Remember to keep reading and you can complete lots of quizzes on AR when you come back too!

Thank you for all your support, as always, and we wish you a lovely and safe Easter.

Mrs Fulton, Miss Savage and Mrs McCullough