Teachers: Mrs Annemarie Fulton & Miss Adrienne Savage

Classroom assistants: Mrs McLees (Monday & Tuesday), Mrs Smyth (Wednesday & Thursday) & Mr Wilson

PE Days: P4F Monday, P4S Wednesday

Topics: Evacuees

Curriculum Evening 2023-24

P4 News


We have been learning about children being evacuated to the countryside during the Second World War to keep them safe. We have made aeroplanes, peg soldiers, suitcases and skyline photographs. We dressed up as evacuees, not forgetting our gas masks!

What, this Owl thing?

P4 has had a hoot learning about owls! We loved our visit from Don Scott when we got to see some of these wonderful creatures up close. We were very busy during Activity Based Learning with a variety of tasks. We also investigated different types of flight and enjoyed testing our models.