WedNEWSday 24 April 2024

Good afternoon AMPS Community,

Please find a link to this week’s sway HERE.  Some feedback has been given to me that the sway can be filled with too much information and this week is packed full!  It is testament to our fabulous staff and pupils who continue to provide lots of opportunities and I want to celebrate these!

You will also find the PTA Newsletter attached to today’s email.  I know PTA are trying to encourage as many volunteers to get involved in our Summer Fair this year so please get in touch if you can free up 30mins of your time.  We need many hands on deck!  I want to say a huge thanks to PTA for everything they have done this year so far.  You will see on the Newsletter that over £10,000 has been raised.  What an achievement! 

Have a lovely week everyone! 

Categories: School News