Super Science with the Sevens!

Throughout this term, we have studied various Victorian Scientists, tying in with our History work on The Victorians. We’ve discovered so many things we use every day which were invented by the Victorians, explored the science behind how they work, and gained a little knowledge about the scientists themselves, too!

Photography first: we explored William Henry Fox Talbot’s use of light-senstive paper to produce a ‘negative’ image, which could then be used to create positive photo prints. We created our own Camera Obscuras using Pringle tins, which had to be munched through first, of course…

We then moved on to John Joly, who made us very jolly indeed through his Colour Process, which helped to develop photography as we know it today! This led us to investigate coloured and white light. Have a look below at us splitting white light using the colours of the spectrum, and using the primary colours (of light!) to create white!

It’s on the ceiling! Look!

Look how clear this rainbow is! We created this using white light, a mirror and a tray of water!

After investigating how LIGHT travels in straight lines, we moved on to SOUND which travels in waves. Back to the Victorians, we studied Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. We felt for ourselves, using our string telephones, how vibrations are key to transmitting sound.

We’ve even squeezed in some Horticulture this term in the form of our visit from Roy and the constables from the PSNI. We got to produce some beautiful planters to brighten up the window sills. (Thanks for visiting!)

Categories: Primary 7